Dear All

Please find below the calendar of events which we propose to run in the coming year – you will see that we plan to run at least one event in every month of the year apart from January and July.  The programme includes four forums which will be run on Tuesdays from 17.00 to 19.00 at Hull Guildhall, HU1 2AA.  Remote attendance at these meetings will also be possible. Dates for these are 19th March, 11th June, 24th September and 10th December.  We will also hold six ‘informal gatherings’.  We will run these on six Wednesdays between 17.30 and 19.00, normally at Costa in King Edward Street, Hull HU1 3SS, but plan to experiment with using different venues throughout the year  – so please check on this website and our facebook page for details of the venue nearer the time.  We are running these on 21st February, 17th April, 15th May, 14th August,16th October and 13th November. There is an open invitation for anyone to turn up to these informal gatherings and talk about whatever they want.  We hope such gatherings will provide an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and talk freely. 

Some detailed arrangements need to be put in place for the forums which means that the dates are provisional.  However, we will endeavour to stick to the calendar so why not put the dates in your diaries?  We will of course inform you of any changes. 

You will see that for each forum we have identified a theme (eg ‘Exploration of religious ideas’) for the meeting and then narrowed it down to a particular topic.  We hope the identification of themes will help ensure that we include a range of different themes in our plans.

The committee hopes this looks an attractive calendar and that you will be able to make the events.  The committee looks forward to welcoming existing and new members to our activities.  We hope that the availability of a calendar for the forthcoming year will make it easier to invite people to join in.   Your help would be appreciated in passing on details of our activities to individuals and groups who might be interested in what we do. Hopefully see you soon!

Wednesday 21st February 17.30-19.00Informal Gathering Costa King Edward St, Hull
Tuesday 19th March 17.30- 19.00 (refreshments from 17.00)FORUM AT HULL GUILDHALL Theme – Exploring religious ideas Title –      Exploring religion, faith and gender
Wednesday 17th April 17.30-19.00Informal Gathering Costa King Edward St, Hull
Wednesday 15h May 17.30-19.00Informal gathering Costa King Edward St, Hull
Tuesday 11th June 17.30-19.00 (refreshments from 17.00)FORUM AT HULL GUILDHALL Theme – Keynote address (speaker yet to be confirmed)  
Wednesday 14th August 17.30-19.00Informal gathering Venue to be advised
Tuesday 24th September 17.30-19.00 (refreshments from 17.00)FORUM AT HULL GUILDHALL Theme – Question and Answer Session with panel of Religious                leaders. Specific issue – Death
Wednesday 16th October 17.30-19.00Informal gathering Venue to be advised
All week 10th– 17th NovemberINTER FAITH WEEK Activities still to be determined
Wednesday 13rd November 17.30-19.00Informal gathering Venue to be advised
Tuesday 10th December 17.30-19.00 (refreshments from 17.00)FORUM AND AGM AT HULL GUILDHALL Theme – A current issue Title –     Religion, faith and humanity’s relationship with the                environment