Information about different faiths and religious festivals

On this page we give details of organisations and websites that provide information about different faiths and/or explore how different faiths view various life events. We also provide a link to a calendar of religious festivals which provides brief details about these festivals.

CALENDAR OF RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS – this link takes you to the page of the national Inter Faith Network which provides a calendar and brief details of religious festivals

RELIGIOUS MEDIA CENTRE – This organisation is, according to its website, ‘An independent, impartial body helping journalists and other media professionals cover world religions and beliefs’. It contains lots of well written, concise and useful information about different faiths and practices – its website is available at

BBC MATERIALS ON DIFFERENT RELIGIONS – This link takes you to an archived section of the BBC website – so some parts of the site are dated. However, there are concise summaries of a number of religions here and presumably, being written by the BBC, the material is reliable.

PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND BOOKLET – ‘Faith at end of life: A resource for professionals, providers and commissioners working in communities’. As suggested by the title this booklet provides information on the practices of different faiths at the end of life. Available at